The Big 2018 Vaping Trends to Watch Out For!

Vaping is the process of breathing in vapours produced by plant ingredients or e-liquids in a vaping device. E-liquids, also referred to as e-juices, are made of vegetable glycerine (VG), flavouring ingredients, and propylene glycol (PG). They may also contain nicotine.

Vaping is now a popular alternative to smoking. All you need is an e-cigarette – an inhaling device powered by batteries. These devices have a cartomizer or atomizer, which subjects the vaping material to heat, thereby releasing the vapour.

Vapers using nicotine can make use of short fills, which are e-liquids sold in bottles filled to only 80% capacity. Vapers can add nicotine-containing e-juices to their short fills for their shot of nicotine.

There is a wide range of choice when it comes to vapour flavours. Fruity, creamy, dairy, nutty, spicy, tobacco, sweets, chocolates or candies – there are several flavours in mild, medium and intense variants.

UK – The Leader in Vaping

Neil Humber, Editor of E-Cig Click predicts that the UK is poised to become the global guide for everything related to vaping in 2018. Britain has already set an example with its acceptance of e-cigarettes at political and medical levels.

Vaping is Here to Stay

2018 starts with a favourable prediction for vaping. Vaping observers and analysts predict that vaping will continue to rise and is poised to establish itself around the world as it has done so far. There will also be a demand for superior quality e-cigarettes.

More Informed Consumer

Consumers are interested in knowing more about e-cigarettes. With more information, they will look forward to using newer vaping products. They are more likely to invest in the latest vape kits, which means that these kits are more likely to witness a surge in the market.

Demand for Greater Personalisation

2018 is likely to see vaping enthusiasts including casual and serious users, shifting to devices that provide more powerful batteries, adjustable settings and a greater quantity of vapour and flavour.

Customising vapour devices may also be expected. Sleeker designs are expected to hit the market anytime soon.

Vaping Devices with Minimal Issues

Customers will look forward to vaping kits that deliver more value.

With rising customer expectations, problems such as quicker battery power discharge, lower battery life, and overheating are expected to be resolved with the introduction of feature rich models.

The overall prediction for 2018 strongly favours the continuous rise of vaping and vape kits.

Vapestreams is as keen as vapers and vaping enthusiasts to know how 2018 is going to turn out. As a company dedicated to offering the best in vaping, including vape kits, short fills, e-juices, mods, replacement coils and batteries, we wish 2018 sees the rise of superior quality vaping products. Happy vaping!

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